Order Engaging Activities for Day Programmers Course

To Pay by Check:

You can send payment by check.  Download and fill the payment form using the link below, fill it out including the information, enclose your check and mail it to the addres shown on the form.

Download the order form for the Correspondence Course


To Pay by Credit Card:

You can pay online by credit card using the Paypal secure payment gateway.  If you have a paypal account you can use it to pay OR you can pay using your MasterCard, VISA, American Express, or Discover card.  

Select one of the links below depending on whether live in the state of Ohio and if you want to order the NCCAP-approved Correspondence Course or just the Training Manual separately:


Order the Engaging Activities for Day Programmers Course Online


Order the Engaging Activities for Day Programmers Course Online


You will find specific payment information there.